Complete AJH Synth systems now available. First up the MiniMod Keyz – equivalent of a Minimoog, plus extra modules, pre-installed inside a Cre8audio NiftyKeyz Eurorack case and keyboard controller. This makes a complete Eurorack modular synth that’s ready to go straight out of the box. Our package includes the standard MiniMod voice – directly based on the original R.A. Moog version of the Minimoog, along with a RING SM, Tap Tempo VC-LFO, and the new Low Fat HP filter. It is fitted with custom Dark American Walnut end cheeks, for a more vintage look, and comes with a selection of patch cables, so that you’re ready to start making the floor rumble right out of the box.

The Ring SM is a 5-channel Moog CP3 mixer, EMS Synthi/VCS3 based Ring Modulator, and a very rich-sounding, simultaneous 2 octave sub-bass generator. User Guide: The Tap Tempo VC-LFO is a very complex modulation source, with 16 common and unusual wave shapes, including stepped and sloped random voltages. Every element can be voltage-controlled, and can be clocked by external modules/sequencers, or act as a master clock, clock divider/multiplier. User Guide: The Low Fat is a voltage-controlled 2hp high pass filter, and a great compliment to the classic, huge-sounding Transistor Ladder Filter. The Fattest filter in town needs to slim down sometimes! User Guide: The NiftyKeyz is a 4-octave keyboard controller, with a large host of features, including arpeggiator, 4-voice polyphonic control, built-in LFO, and much more. Check out the website: This pairs with the MiniMod system well, as it provides everything from Minimoog-like functionality, to way beyond, whilst maintaining the classic vintage sound and honouring the circuitry of the awesome original.

The AJH SYNTH Eurorack range consists of high-end modules, all hand-made in the UK, most of which are based on classic, vintage designs, authentically recreating the circuitry of much sought-after analogue instruments and technologies of the past, whilst greatly expanding them, and bringing them to modern Eurorack levels of convenience, limitless flexibility, and reliability. Check out the AJH Synth playlists for module ‘User Guides’, and ‘Patch of The Week’ videos, which will be either performances or ‘how to’ guides, detailing functions/methods, and a range of sounds, some familiar, some less so, containing a patch sheet at the end to show you how to construct it for yourself.
More info at AJHSynth.