Alfa Centauri was a Dutch Electronic Music association from 1992 – 2007. Alfa Centauri started as a group of Electronic Music Fans, organising workshops and small concerts. All these years there was an Alfa Centauri magazine with articles, music reviews, technical and musical workshops and more. From 1995 Alfa Centauri organised Electronic Music Festivals in larger venues. Below is the full list of posts covering Alfa Centauri activities: artists, publications, events, people, pictures and more.
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Rick Wakeman in 1984
This article was published in the December 1981 issue of (UK) Electronics & Music Maker…
The DiN ambient label was set up by Ian Boddy in 1999 to release ambient…
Sequences Electronic Music Podcast #204
Sequences started off as a magazine on Electronic Music, many years ago, in the UK,…
Dave Fulton – MØTRIK
MØTRIK is a unique -Cosmic Electronic- project in which Dave Fulton is involved: you might…
Mark Jenkins – The Visitor
Mark Jenkins ‘lost’ album from 1985 has just been released on CD. With Mark Shreeve…
Alfa Centauri Archives added…
We have introduced a new page on this website to share Alfa Centauri archive materials…
Mark Jenkins news February 2022
The latest update from Mark Jenkins. As you know Mark is a productive synthesizer artist:…
Paul Nagle – Digisound 80
Article (c) Paul Nagle & Sound on Sound, January 2000. The kit format meant that…