We have started a new poll to obtain a list of the all-time best Electronic Albums.
Please join: you can add your favorite albums and vote as many albums as you like. The poll will run for another 1,5 weeks (we have gathered 1400 votes already) and we will publish the final list on this website.
After our poll for best Electronic Musician and best Electronic Track, we are now trying to assemble a list of all time best Electronic Albums.
You can find the poll here.
Rules of the game:
- the album should be an electronic album, i.e.: synthesizers (and other electronics) are the main part of the album
- first look if your favorite album has already been listed, in which case you just add your vote
- you may add your album if it is not listed, but you may only add MAXIMUM 3 new albums to the list: it is not a ‘look how many exotic albums I know of’ contest
- you may vote for as many albums of your liking
- please note: only list FULL albums (and artist of course) ONLY, no single Artist names (i.e. whole discography …) and no single tracks, please