All Time – Best Electronic Track

These are the results of the recent poll on our Facebook Page. The poll was open from July 1 until July 17 2022 and received over 1400 votes.

Please note that the list only contains tracks that received 2 or more votes. We will add the remaining part of the list soon.

These are only raw data which we give a better presentation soon. Soon we will also present a surprise with this poll. Keep visiting this page and/or subscribe our FB group if you want to receive the latest news.

Jarre, Jean MichelEquinoxe part 4119
Tangerine DreamLogos93
Tangerine DreamRicochet Part 276
Tangerine DreamRubycon50
Tangerine DreamRising Runner Missed by Endless Sender48
Schulze, KlausCrystal Lake38
Tangerine DreamPhaedra35
Jarre, Jean MichelOxygene part 434
KraftwerkThe Robots29
Tangerine DreamCherokee Lane28
Blake, TimBlake’s new Jerusalem27
KraftwerkRadio Aktivität23
Schulze, KlausVelvet Voyager21
Tangerine DreamColdwater Canyon – Encore21
Hoenig, MichaelDeparture from the Northern Wasteland18
Jarre, Jean MichelEthnicolor18
Schulze, KlausBayreuth return18
Schulze, KlausFloating18
Tangerine DreamCloudburst Flight18
Jarre, Jean MichelFourth Rendezvous17
VangelisGood To See You16
VisageFade to Grey15
Tangerine DreamLove on a real train14
Göttsching, ManuelE2 – E413
Jarre, Jean MichelOxygene Part 213
KraftwerkComputer love13
Schulze, KlausSpielglocken13
Tangerine DreamPoland13
Hoenig, MichaelSun And Moon12
Shreeve, MarkAssassin12
Schulze, KlausBayreuth return11
Tangerine DreamWhite Eagle11
Yellow Magic OrchestraRydeen11
AshraDeep Distance10
KraftwerkNumbers / Computerworld210
Schulze, KlausFrank Herbert10
Tangerine DreamTangram Part 210
The OrbLittle Fluffy Clouds10
Ashra77 Slightly Delayed9
Jarre, Jean MichelChronologie part 48
VangelisFirst Approach8
Eno, BrianProphecy Theme  (Dune OST)7
Tangerine DreamQuichotte/Pergamon7
VangelisHeaven and Hell – Movement III7
VangelisTo the unknown man7
Donna SummerI feel love6
Eno, BrianAn Ending (Ascent)6
Hoenig & GöttschingEarly Water6
KraftwerkDas model6
Schmoelling, JohannesNavigator’s Chatter6
Shreeve, MarkStorm Column6
Ashra  Sun Rain5
Foxx, JohnBurning Car5
Froese, EdgarStuntman5
KraftwerkNeon Lights5
Schröder, RobertHarmonic Ascendant5
Schulze, KlausFM Delight5
Schulze, KlausMephisto, Moonlake5
Tangerine DreamChoronzon5
Tangerine DreamKiew Mission5
VangelisAsk the Mountains5
VangelisConquest of Paradise5
YelloThe Race5
Art Of NoiseFinale4
Dyson, JohnEvolution4
Jarre, Jean MichelLast Rendez-vous – Rons Piece4
Oldfield, MikeTubular Bells part 14
Schulze, KlausOsiris4
Tangerine DreamHyperborea4
Vangelis3 + 34
VangelisMutiny on the bounty4
VangelisPinta, Nina & Santa Maria4
ArcCherry bomb3
AshraEcho Waves (from KLEM/Sauce Hollandaise)3
Boards of CanadaEverything You Do is a Balloon3
Garrison, MichaelDeparture3
Jarre, Jean MichelMagnetic Fields part 13
Jarre, Jean MichelOxygene part 83
Schulze, KlausEchoes of Time3
Schulze, KlausEuro Caravan3
Tangerine DreamSong of the Whale Part 1- From Dawn3
Tangerine DreamTangram Part 13
Tangerine DreamMojave Plan3
Tangerine DreamThe Soldier Closing Credits3
The Eighth WaveSuzane Ciani3
VangelisInside our perspectives3
Vangelis & PapasForty Brides3
AshraPluralis Waves2
Baffo BanfiE Quelle Dolce Estate Sul PIaneta Vener2
BiospherePoa Alpina2
Depeche ModeOberkorn (It’s A Small Town)2
Depeche ModePersonal Jesus2
Dyson, JohnTime Node (Live)2
Eno, BrianStars2
Free System ProjektProcyon A2
Future World OrchestraRoulette2
Grosskopf, HaraldSo weit, so gut2
Hot ButterPopcorn2
KraftwerkEurope Endless2
Logic SystemUnit2
Oldfield, MikeIncantations part2
Riechmann, WolfgangWunderbar2
Riley, TerryA Rainbow In Curved Air2
Schmoelling, JohannesA Great Continent2
Schnauss, UlrichStars2
Schulze, KlausGeorg Trakl2
Schulze, KlausMoondawn part 12
Schulze, KlausSeth2
Schulze, KlausTradition and Vision2
Tangerine DreamCinnamon Road2
The ProdigyWe eat Rythm2
VangelisBlade Runner Blues – Blade Runner OST2
VangelisDial Out2
VisageThe Damned Don’t Cry2