Bruce Gall from Dundee, UK, hosts a podcast / show featuring a lot of (new) electronic music. It can be found on mixcloud here. Bruce is also known for several electronic albums, such as Sounds from the flat Earth, The Void. These albums are available through some EM retailers such as Synth Music Direct, but also on Bandcamp.
His latest shows Atmospheres 360 and 361 are now available. Including Steen Chorchendorff Jørgensen, Parallel Worlds (Bakis Sirros), Christian Fiesel, Robert Scott Thompson, Frolin (Frode Lindanger), Craig Padilla, Andrea Lensflare Debbi, Alio Die (Stefano Musso) & Lorenzo Montana, Premonition Factory (Sjaak Overgaauw), Mike Steffl and The AMbient Fish Society (Andy Bloyce).

The show is available at this link