Audion Magazine has been known since 1986 as an outlet for Ultima Thule (recordlabel, retailer). Now the magazine is back as a printed version, combined with a Bandcamp issue.

Issue #70 is now available and the next issue will be available in september. For more info go to their website.

Issue #70 – contents.

AMM – baffling free-jazz and contemporary classical audiences for 5 decades, Birth – new prog sounds from San Diego, MPS – favourites from the Black Forest, 20 questions with Paul Nagle, Perigeo & other Italian prog-fusion acts of the 1970s, French Independent & Underground Obscurities Part 2, new Italian prog 4, Weird Garden DeMontfort event, Choice British Label Classics: Harvest, Strange Curios & Eclectic Arcana (part 2), Catching Up, Rescued Relics, The Avant-Garde Sector, reviews: faust, Mabe Fratti con Concepción Huerta, London Odense Ensemble, Stellan Veloce, etc.

The additional soundfiles can be found on bandcamp.

A unique voice, exploring adventurous music that others ignore! Audion Magazine (established in 1986) has a reputation for its different stance on modern music, ever willing to embrace the unusual, and seek-out those that have helped shape the face of new-music, from rock/folk/jazz through to the avant-garde. Audion doesn’t adhere to trends or fashion, it exists purely for the love of the music. So, if you’re into anything musically progressive or unusual, you are sure to find Audion essential reading! And, of course, if you’re into Krautrock, genuine progressive, and the music the mainstream and general alternative press ignore – this is the place!