(June 11, 2022) Update: according to Behringer: “We’re very excited about having received our second revision of the PRO-16 boards. Our software and systems engineers have been working hard to get the earlier revision up and running. In the process we made improvements and corrections, which were all implemented in this latest board layout. As you can see this 16-voice synth has an insane amount of analog components. The team feels confident that this board revision should be final. Fingers crossed:-)”
(April 21, 2022) Another clone is about to become available (well in 6 months that is). Behringer is working on the Pro-16, as they say: “Meet our Tribers. Today we’d like you to meet Michael, who is one of our many truly passionate engineers working on your synthesizers. His team is currently developing the PRO-16, which is making excellent progress. We’re already working on the second revision, which is hopefully final. Our PRO-16 will be much more powerful and feature rich compared to other available models, while targeting a much lower price. Now that the UB-Xa development is completed and the software platform fully mature, we can easily scale and develop poly synths at a much faster rate since 70-80% of the firmware code can be reused. While the UB-Xa design took several years, we are confident that over time we can develop poly synths within only 6 months. We’re immensely proud of Michael and his team, who love delivering incredible synthesizers to you.”