Waldorf Streichfett – softer then ever…
Waldorf Music has turned its vintage-inspired hardware string Synthesizer Streichfett into a plugin for macOS and Windows. String machine sounds belong to the 70s and 80s like pizza/pasta to Italy. With …
Waldorf Music has turned its vintage-inspired hardware string Synthesizer Streichfett into a plugin for macOS and Windows. String machine sounds belong to the 70s and 80s like pizza/pasta to Italy. With …
The new Wavefonix Modular synthesizers model W314 & W614 are reviewed in the latest edition of Sound on Sound magazine (August 2022), written by Robin Vincent. More info on the …
This Rhythm generator design was published in the Practical Electronics January and February 1978 magazine. It is a great DIY project which will learn you about electronic circuits for drum …