Christian Wittman – new releases

Christian Wittman seems to be very productive these days, he informed us about further new releasesL Ambient Mapping II and Music for unknown worlds III.

He writes:

What is ambient music? It is an encounter with slowness, silence, the depth of listening, immersion in sound, navigation on sounds to dream, think, travel, imagine…  This music has accompanied me for years… The music I listen to, the music I create…  I had the chance to meet some of the musicians who influenced me the most, who are part of my life, of my personal soundscape…  Brian Eno, Harold Budd, Jon Hassell, but also the Germans, Klaus Schulze, Edgar Froese, Chris Franke…  This “Ambient Mapping” series is fed by my listening to Brian Eno, Harold Budd and Jon Hassell. As well as the inspiration brought to me by the French designer Thierry Moreau, whose visual universe feeds my musical work. “Ambient Mapping II” weaves different threads: silence, loops, sound spaces, “Fourth World” rhythms, possible melodies. In this album, I experimented with geometrical compositional forms, superimposed, shifted, random, in different mixes distributing sounds, patterns, rhythms in an evolving space. 

  • Released October 6, 2022 
  • Electronics, sound design: Christian Wittman. 
  • Artwork: Thierry Moreau 
  • Recorded and produced at Nina Studio (September – October 2022).

Ambient Mapping II can be found on Christian’s bandcamp page and more releases will follow soon.
