Craig Padilla – Impromptu Holiday House Performance

Craig Padilla announced a special Holiday House live performance. on Friday December 23rd, 6pm (PST). Note: this is December 24th 03.00 EU/NL time).

Craig writes: “The world premiere of my impromptu Holiday House Performance is this Friday, December 23 at 6pm PST. I’ll be there in the live chat. The music was created and performed live in less than two and a half days with a new compact synthesizer setup that features a Mattson Mini Modular synthesizer (built by George Mattson), Korg Minilogue XD and Electribe EA-1, Akai MPC Live, Dave Smith Instruments MoPho, Roland SH-32, Novation UltraNova, and Behringer Pro-One.”

Make sure to be ready at the appropriate time here: