Updated: now including the PDF of the book!
In 1980 dutch synth guru’s Ted Sluijmer and Ed Broekhuizen started this book with the idea to extend it over the years. They discuss the analog (additive) synthesizer technique by showing lots of images of synths of various brands and the way these synths implement the analog synthesis model. They use the concept of a ‘sound memo’ to document useful synth settings. Also included is a market overview of the many synthesizers at that time.
- Published: November 1980
- Language: Dutch
- Author(s): Ted Sluijmer & Ed Broekhuizen
- Contents: 140 pages
- Publisher: Syntrance
- ISBN: unknown
As far as I know, the book has never seen an addition unfortunately. We are not sure if the author(s) still exist and what they are doing right now. Do you know more? Please share it with us.
Below you can find a pdf of the book. Please note that this is in Dutch. We are working on an OCR version which then can be translated.
Please note: all copyrights are with the authors and publisher.