The initial fourteen modules and the Keyboard controller for the Digisound 80 were designed and conceived by R.C. Blakely. Digisound 80 was the name of the project and the company that published designs and building instructions. From 1980 the project was puclished in the Electronics Today international (ETI Magazine) with new faceplates and module designs. Probably the articles also were published in E&MM magazine.
The Digisound 80 utilised the (at that time) most uptodate technology to ensure high quality and excellent value for money. First most designs were based on SSM chips, later on the (better available) Curtis CEM chips were used. As new designs were added or older designs superceded, the existing modules were made not to become redundant since uniform standards were adopted. These standards were used by most major producers of synthesizers.
The Digisound 80 can be an actual DIY project, because of the re-issues of CEM chips (and the AS alternatives) and the fact that most designs used quite common components, which are still available

The Digisound 80 project was documented by a comprehensive manual, including specifications, sound design and more. We will publish these documents here as a guide to a DIY synthesizer. In addition we will upload the separate ETI articles with construction and design/building details.
This is the specifications part of the manual.
Please note that the copyrights are with the authors and ETI magazine.