Erdenklang – Bognermayer & Zuschrader

Are you familiar with the music by Hubert Bognermayer & Harald Zuschrader from Linz – Austria? As duo they release two albums: Erdenklang (not to be confused with the record lable) and Bergpredigt. But they are also known as Blue Chip Orchestra.

Bognermayr originally specialized in electronic versions of classics, on Blue Chip Orchestra (Erdenklang, 1988) and Blue Danube (Erdenklang, 1991). Whiter River Red Spirit, reissued as Red Sky Beat (Hearts of Space, 1998), was inspired by Native American music.

Although the next video, playing the long Blue Danube track, is known as a new-age / relaxing music album, it is built up around the finest Electronic Music & instruments.