Electronic Music equipment: synthesizers, peripherals, studio equipment. We try to build a catalog of Brands that made Electronic Music. Use this page to start browsing in our catalog.
Digisound 80 modular synthesizer (3)
The Digisound 80 project was documented by a comprehensive manual, including specifications, sound design and…
Digisound 80 modular synthesizer (4)
The Digisound 80 project was documented by a comprehensive manual, including specifications, sound design and…
Digisound 80 modular synthesizer (2)
The Digisound 80 project was documented by a comprehensive manual, including specifications, sound design and…
Digisound 80 modular synthesizer (1)
The initial fourteen modules and the Keyboard controller for the Digisound 80 were designed and…
ARP 2500 Review (Studio Sound 1972)
In the 1973 Studio Sound magazine, this review ARP 2500 modular system was written by…
Kevin Braheny Fortune on T.O.N.T.O.
We reproduce this earlier post from Kevin Braheny Fortune, involved in big synth systems until…
Johan Timman discussing his Moog studio.
In 1980 a remarkable interview was published in the Dutch Music maker magazine. Jan van…
Studio Sound 1973
In a vintage Studio Sound magazine we found this AKS Synthi review. At that time…
Make: Analog Synthesizers
A great book for starters in DIY synths. It was created by Ray Wilson in…
Elektor Formant – Reinhardt Roelandts
I thought it would be a nice idea to gather information about existing Elektor Formant…
Electronic Music equipment: synthesizers, peripherals, studio equipment. We are building a catalog of Instruments, equipment and Brands that made Electronic Music.
Use this page to start browsing through New or Vintage gear. You can browse by Brand name (ABC, DEF …. XYZ) or Chronological (1950-1954, 1955-1959, …. select the year in which this instrument was introduced)