Herb Deutsch passed away

Another great name in Electronic Music has taken the one-way travel: Herb Deutsch, pioneer in developing the Moog synthesizer, has passed away yesterday.

This is the statement by Moog Music: We are saddened to share that Herb Deutsch has joined Bob Moog in Analog Heaven. Herb’s family shared with us that he passed away last night at the age of 90 years old.

It would be impossible to overstate Herb’s contribution to the Moog legacy. It was Herb who approached Bob about developing a device to make new sounds for his experimental jazz compositions. Bob was intrigued, and the two men then collaborated on what would become the Moog synthesizer prototype, with Herb explaining the musician’s needs and Bob designing the circuitry in response. They then worked together to promote the instrument and help people understand its revolutionary capabilities.

Herb is seen here at the grand opening of the Moogseum in August of 2019, with the prototype in the background. He gave an incredible talk to the Moogmentum attendees.

Herb will be deeply missed by all of us at the The Bob Moog Foundation and the Moogseum. We send our deepest condolences to Herb’s family and to the greater electronic music community who embraced him with love and reverence.