Heading towards the poetic world of memory and imagination Ian Boddy harnesses the power of his synthesizers, and ably delivers his music. His concerts feel organic, never schematic – flawlessly flowing across a fascinating range of textures and moods. In possession of an electrified core – enchanting on its own terms – Boddy manages to fuse a stylistically progressive arrangement and cosmic music atmosphere. Providing a comfortable feel, amidst neat beats and pulsing sequencer patterns, his music modulates between fearsome acceleration and a breathtaking stillness.

The Gatherings Concert Series presents Ian Boddy live in concert on Saturday 21 October 2023 at 8:00PM (doors open at 7:30pm) in the church sanctuary of St. Mary’s Hamilton Village 3916 Locust Walk (just east of 40th & Locust) on the Penn campus in West Philadelphia. Free Admission/Donation Requested. Reservations are available through Humanitix (a limited number of admissions will be available at the door/night of show)

For more information see The Gatherings website