The Keys (German) magazine july 22 edition is out now, look here for more info.

“Listen up during the mixdown! But how do you properly analyze a mix? Simon Götz from the HOFA College tells you in the new KEYS issue 7/2022. We also talk to electronic ambient musician Max Cooper about his audio-visual project Unspoken Words, with which he explores forms of communication beyond language. We also have questions from the Australian duo Hermitude, who retreated to the Blue Mountains of New South Wales to produce their latest album. In the current episode of our Cubase workshop, we explain important MIDI editing functions of this DAW and also go into Steinberg’s plug-in HALion Sonic SE. On the KEYS test track this time are, among others, the semi-modular synthesizer PWM Malevolent, the software instrument EastWest Forbidden Planet and the plug-in collection Arturia V Collection 9.”


  • Interview: Hermitude
  • Interview: Max Cooper
  • Interview Simon Götz (HOFA-College)
  • Die beste Freeware für Musikproduzenten
  • Electronic Essentials


  • PWM Malevolent
  • Native Instruments Session Bassist – Prime Bass 
  • Antelope Audio Zen Q Synergy Core USB
  • EastWest Forbidden Planet
  • Focal Alpha Twin Evo
  • Loopmasters Minimal Techno
  • Arturia V Collection 9


  • Musikproduktion mit Cubase


  • Stem-Mastering