Most popular synth (Synthforbreakfast poll)

Top-10 best Electronic Album

From December 10 till December 24, 2022, we held a poll for Most popular synth on our Facebook page. In the end 10670 people were reached and 3480 votes were collected, 243 names of brands/models have been listed by our readers. This is the result of the poll. Please note that this is not a scientific trial as it remains a subjective matter and depends on the number of voters involved.. Next year we will repeat the poll with -hopefully- a larger audience.

The rules of the game were:

  • You must own (or have owned) the synth yoursels
  • You can add a maximum of 3 synths to the list (if not already on it)
  • You can vote for as many synths that are on the list
  • We deleted all entries for custom made synths (such as “the one I built”, “my Eurorack modules collection” or “dotcom modular”).
  • Please note that the positions of certain brands/models are shared when they received the same number of votes.

At the bottom of this page you will find the list of brands / models in alphabetical order.

Positions 1-10

PositionBrand / Model# Votes% Votes
1Roland Juno 601724,94%
2Moog MiniMoog962,76%
2Roland D50962,76%
3Korg MS-20832,39%
4Yamaha DX7792,27%
5Roland Juno 106752,16%
5Sequential 6 Trak752,16%
6Korg M1681,95%
7Roland Jupiter 8671,93%
8Korg Wavestation521,49%
9Roland JD-800501,44%
10Korg S700491,41%

Positions 11-25

PositionBrand / model# Votes% Votes
11Roland JX-8P471,35%
12Behringer DeepMind 12451,29%
12Yamaha CS-80451,29%
13Roland SH-101441,26%
14Moog Voyager421,21%
15Access Virus Ti411,18%
15Korg Mono/Poly411,18%
16ARP 2600361,03%
16Korg DW8000361,03%
17ARP Odyssey351,01%
17ASM – Hydrasynth351,01%
18Yamaha AN1x340,98%
19Moog Memory moog330,95%
20Korg Poly 800320,92%
20Roland Jupiter 6320,92%
20Yamaha SY77320,92%
21Korg Polysix310,89%
21Korg Triton310,89%
21Sequential OB6310,89%
22Korg Minilogue XD290,83%
22Roland JX-3P290,83%
23Ensoniq ESQ1280,80%
23Sequential Prophet V280,80%
24Roland JV-1080270,78%
25Spectrasonics Omnisphere270,78%

Positions 26- 50

PositionsBrand / Model# Votes% Votes
26Oberheim OB8260,75%
26Roland SH-5260,75%
27Korg MS2000250,72%
27Roland JP-8000250,72%
27Yamaha Motif250,72%
28EMS AKS Synthi240,69%
28Roland Jupiter 4240,69%
29Sequential Circuits Pro-One230,66%
30Kurzweil K2000220,63%
31Behringer Neutron210,60%
31Oberheim OBXa210,60%
32Casio CZ-101200,57%
32Novation Bassstation 2200,57%
32Oberheim Matrix 6200,57%
32Yamaha SY99200,57%
33Roland JX-10190,55%
33Roland System 100M190,55%
33Roland System 8190,55%
33Yamaha Montage190,55%
34Arturia Microfreak180,52%
34Behringer 2600180,52%
34E-mu Emulator II180,52%
34Novation Peak180,52%
34Roland Juno 6180,52%
34Yamaha TX81Z180,52%
35Alesis AndromedaA6170,49%
35Elka Synthex170,49%
35Roland JV-80170,49%
36Arturia Pigments160,46%
36Korg 01/W160,46%
36Roland V-Synth160,46%
36Roland W-30160,46%
36Waldorf Q (rack)160,46%
37Arturia Matrixbrute150,43%
37Clavia Nord modular150,43%
37Korg X5D150,43%
37Novation Supernova150,43%
37Roland XV5080150,43%
37Sequential/DSI Prophet REV2150,43%
37Yamaha CS30150,43%
38Casio tone VL-1140,40%
38Korg Trinity140,40%
38Moog One140,40%
38Roland Alpha Juno 2140,40%
38Roland XP-30140,40%
39Casio CZ-5000130,37%
39Oberheim OB-X8130,37%
39Roland D10130,37%
40Arturia Polybrute120,34%
40Kawai K5000W120,34%
40Korg Kronos120,34%
40Korg Trident120,34%
40Moog Sub 37120,34%
40Yamaha CS-15120,34%
40Yamaha EX5120,34%
41Behringer Odyssey110,32%
41Ensoniq Mirage dsk8110,32%
41Moog Source110,32%
41Oberheim Matrix 1000110,32%
41Sequential Prophet 5/10 Rev4110,32%
41Sequential Prophet 6110,32%
41Waldorf Blofeld110,32%
42Ensoniq ASR10100,29%
42Kawai K4100,29%
42Oberheim OB-6100,29%
42Yamaha CS-60100,29%
43Clavia Nord Lead 390,26%
43Korg Modwave90,26%
43Roland Juno-DS90,26%
43Roland MKS-80 Super Jupiter90,26%
43Sequential Prophet 60090,26%
43Yamaha CS1x90,26%
44EDP Wasp Deluxe80,23%
44Moog Little phatty80,23%
44Oberheim Matrix 1280,23%
44Oberheim Xpander80,23%
44OSC OSCar.80,23%
44Roland JD-99080,23%
44Roland MKS-7080,23%
44Roland SH20180,23%
44Roland TB 30380,23%
44Yamaha VL180,23%
45Akai AX-8070,20%
45ARP Pro Soloist70,20%
45Buchla Easel70,20%
45Ensoniq TS-1270,20%
45Moog Polymoog (203a)70,20%
45Oberheim 4 (8) Voice polyphonic70,20%
45Roland Fantom-XR70,20%
45Roland System 10070,20%
45Sequential Pro 370,20%
45Waldorf Quantum70,20%
45Yamaha TX80270,20%
46Akai S95060,17%
46ARP Quadra60,17%
46Clavia Nord Lead 2x60,17%
46E-Mu Vintage keys60,17%
46ETI 460060,17%
46Korg 700S60,17%
46Korg Wavestate60,17%
46Modal Argon 860,17%
46Moog Subsequent 3760,17%
46Oberheim OB-X60,17%
46Roland D560,17%
46Roland SH-260,17%
46Sequential/DSI Evolver60,17%
46Teisco S110f60,17%
47Ensonig FIZMO50,14%
47Ensoniq TS50,14%
47Korg M500 Micro Preset50,14%
47Korg Prophecy50,14%
47Roland Fantom 6-7-850,14%
47Roland System 700 Modular50,14%
47Sequential Prophet X50,14%
47Studiologic Sledge50,14%
47Vermona perFOURmer50,14%
47Yamaha CS-5050,14%
47Yamaha SY2250,14%
48Akai S90040,11%
48E&MM Spectrum40,11%
48Electrocomp EML-10140,11%
48Ensoniq SQ8040,11%
48ETI Transcendent 200040,11%
48Gem S3 Turbo40,11%
48GeneralMusic GEM Equinox40,11%
48Kawai Teisco SX-24040,11%
48Korg KingKorg40,11%
48Sequential T840,11%
48Sequential Take 540,11%
48Technics WSA1R40,11%
48Teisco S60p40,11%
48Teisco SX-40040,11%
48Yamaha CS-20M40,11%
48Yamaha DX2740,11%
49Akai Timbrewolf30,09%
49Clavia Nord Lead A130,09%
49Korg MicroX30,09%
49Korg NS5r30,09%
49Moog The Source30,09%
49Novation mininova30,09%
49Quasimidi Sirius30,09%
49Sequential Prophet 10 vintage30,09%
49Yamaha YS10030,09%
50Akai S70020,06%
50Ensoniq VFXsd20,06%
50Kawai S100F20,06%
50Kinetic Sound Prism20,06%
50Korg DS-820,06%
50Korg PS-330020,06%
50Kurzweil K25020,06%
50Moog Liberation20,06%
50Moog Matriarch20,06%
50Mystic Frequencies – Spectrum Synth20,06%
50Oberheim SEM20,06%
50Roland RS-520,06%
50Sequential Multi Trak20,06%
50Siel Cruise20,06%
50Yamaha YS20020,06%

Synths that received only 1 vote

Brand / Model
Alesis Fusion HD6
Alesis Ion
ARP Avatar
Behringer MS-1
Behringer VC340
Casio Rap man
Clavia Nordstage 2
Clavia Nordwave
Dreadbox murmux v2
E-mu E-4k
Electrocomp EML-500
Elektor Formant
Fairlight system 30A
Hartman Neuron
Korg 800DV (maxikorg)
Korg Delta
Korg Karma
Korg M3R
Korg Minkorg 700
Korg N5 Ex
Korg Opsix
Korg Polyphonic ensemble
Korg PS-3100
Korg PS-3200
Kurzweil Forte
Kurzweil PC2
Kurzweil PC3
Kurzweil PC3K-8
Loudest warning silver words
MacBeth M5
Maplin Spectrum
Mathias beese MS2600 NG
Moog Rogue
Novation Nova Desktop
Novation xiosynth
Rhodes Chroma
Roalnd JV1000
Roland Boutique JD-08
Roland S-770/750
Roland SH-1
Roland SH-3
Roland U-20
Synton Syrinx
Yamaha CS-70m
Yamaha DX1
Yamaha MO 8
Yamaha PSR4600

The full list in alphabetical order

Brand / Model# of Votes% of Votes
Access Virus Ti411,18%
Akai AX-8070,20%
Akai S70020,06%
Akai S90040,11%
Akai S95060,17%
Akai Timbrewolf30,09%
Alesis AndromedaA6170,49%
Alesis Fusion HD610,03%
Alesis Ion10,03%
ARP 2600361,03%
ARP Avatar10,03%
ARP Odyssey351,01%
ARP Pro Soloist70,20%
ARP Quadra60,17%
Arturia Matrixbrute150,43%
Arturia Microfreak180,52%
Arturia Pigments160,46%
Arturia Polybrute120,34%
ASM – Hydrasynth351,01%
Behringer 2600180,52%
Behringer DeepMind 12451,29%
Behringer MS-110,03%
Behringer Neutron210,60%
Behringer Odyssey110,32%
Behringer VC34010,03%
Buchla Easel70,20%
Casio CZ-101200,57%
Casio CZ-5000130,37%
Casio Rap man10,03%
Casio tone VL-1140,40%
Clavia Nord Lead 2x60,17%
Clavia Nord Lead 390,26%
Clavia Nord Lead A130,09%
Clavia Nord modular150,43%
Clavia Nordstage 210,03%
Clavia Nordwave10,03%
Dreadbox murmux v210,03%
E-mu E-4k10,03%
E-mu Emulator II180,52%
E-Mu Vintage keys60,17%
E&MM Spectrum40,11%
EDP Wasp Deluxe80,23%
Electrocomp EML-10140,11%
Electrocomp EML-50010,03%
Elektor Formant10,03%
Elka Synthex170,49%
EMS AKS Synthi240,69%
Ensonig FIZMO50,14%
Ensoniq ASR10100,29%
Ensoniq ESQ1280,80%
Ensoniq Mirage dsk8110,32%
Ensoniq SQ8040,11%
Ensoniq TS50,14%
Ensoniq TS-1270,20%
Ensoniq VFXsd20,06%
ETI 460060,17%
ETI Transcendent 200040,11%
Fairlight system 30A10,03%
Gem S3 Turbo40,11%
GeneralMusic GEM Equinox40,11%
Hartman Neuron10,03%
Kawai K4100,29%
Kawai K5000W120,34%
Kawai S100F20,06%
Kawai Teisco SX-24040,11%
Kinetic Sound Prism20,06%
Korg 01/W160,46%
Korg 700S60,17%
Korg 800DV (maxikorg)10,03%
Korg Delta10,03%
Korg DS-820,06%
Korg DW8000361,03%
Korg Karma10,03%
Korg KingKorg40,11%
Korg Kronos120,34%
Korg M1681,95%
Korg M3R10,03%
Korg M500 Micro Preset50,14%
Korg MicroX30,09%
Korg Minilogue XD290,83%
Korg Minkorg 70010,03%
Korg Modwave90,26%
Korg Mono/Poly411,18%
Korg MS-20832,39%
Korg MS2000250,72%
Korg N5 Ex10,03%
Korg NS5r30,09%
Korg Opsix10,03%
Korg Poly 800320,92%
Korg Polyphonic ensemble10,03%
Korg Polysix310,89%
Korg Prophecy50,14%
Korg PS-310010,03%
Korg PS-320010,03%
Korg PS-330020,06%
Korg S700491,41%
Korg Trident120,34%
Korg Trinity140,40%
Korg Triton310,89%
Korg Wavestate60,17%
Korg Wavestation521,49%
Korg X5D150,43%
Kurzweil Forte10,03%
Kurzweil K2000220,63%
Kurzweil K25020,06%
Kurzweil PC210,03%
Kurzweil PC310,03%
Kurzweil PC3K-810,03%
Loudest warning silver words10,03%
MacBeth M510,03%
Maplin Spectrum10,03%
Mathias beese MS2600 NG10,03%
Modal Argon 860,17%
Moog Liberation20,06%
Moog Little phatty80,23%
Moog Matriarch20,06%
Moog Memory moog330,95%
Moog MiniMoog962,76%
Moog One140,40%
Moog Polymoog (203a)70,20%
Moog Rogue10,03%
Moog Source110,32%
Moog Sub 37120,34%
Moog Subsequent 3760,17%
Moog The Source30,09%
Moog Voyager421,21%
multibrand eurorack20,06%
Mystic Frequencies – Spectrum Synth20,06%
Novation Bassstation 2200,57%
Novation mininova30,09%
Novation Nova Desktop10,03%
Novation Peak180,52%
Novation Supernova150,43%
Novation xiosynth10,03%
Oberheim 4 (8) Voice polyphonic70,20%
Oberheim Matrix 1000110,32%
Oberheim Matrix 1280,23%
Oberheim Matrix 6200,57%
Oberheim OB-6100,29%
Oberheim OB-X60,17%
Oberheim OB-X8130,37%
Oberheim OB8260,75%
Oberheim OBXa210,60%
Oberheim SEM20,06%
Oberheim Xpander80,23%
OSC OSCar.80,23%
Quasimidi Sirius30,09%
Rhodes Chroma10,03%
Roalnd JV100010,03%
Roland Alpha Juno 2140,40%
Roland Boutique JD-0810,03%
Roland D10130,37%
Roland D560,17%
Roland D50962,76%
Roland Fantom 6-7-850,14%
Roland Fantom-XR70,20%
Roland JD-800501,44%
Roland JD-99080,23%
Roland JP-8000250,72%
Roland Juno 106752,16%
Roland Juno 6180,52%
Roland Juno 601724,94%
Roland Juno-DS90,26%
Roland Jupiter 4240,69%
Roland Jupiter 6320,92%
Roland Jupiter 8671,93%
Roland JV-1080270,78%
Roland JV-80170,49%
Roland JX-10190,55%
Roland JX-3P290,83%
Roland JX-8P471,35%
Roland MKS-7080,23%
Roland MKS-80 Super Jupiter90,26%
Roland RS-520,06%
Roland S-770/75010,03%
Roland SH-110,03%
Roland SH-101441,26%
Roland SH-260,17%
Roland SH-310,03%
Roland SH-5260,75%
Roland SH20180,23%
Roland System 10070,20%
Roland System 100M190,55%
Roland System 700 Modular50,14%
Roland System 8190,55%
Roland TB 30380,23%
Roland U-2010,03%
Roland V-Synth160,46%
Roland W-30160,46%
Roland XP-30140,40%
Roland XV5080150,43%
Sequential 6 Trak752,16%
Sequential Circuits Pro-One230,66%
Sequential Multi Trak20,06%
Sequential OB6310,89%
Sequential Pro 370,20%
Sequential Prophet 10 vintage30,09%
Sequential Prophet 5/10 Rev4110,32%
Sequential Prophet 6110,32%
Sequential Prophet 60090,26%
Sequential Prophet V280,80%
Sequential Prophet X50,14%
Sequential T840,11%
Sequential Take 540,11%
Sequential/DSI Evolver60,17%
Sequential/DSI Prophet REV2150,43%
Siel Cruise20,06%
Spectrasonics Omnisphere270,78%
Studiologic Sledge50,14%
Synton Syrnix10,03%
Technics WSA1R40,11%
Teisco S110f60,17%
Teisco S60p40,11%
Teisco SX-40040,11%
Vermona perFOURmer50,14%
Waldorf Blofeld110,32%
Waldorf Q (rack)160,46%
Waldorf Quantum70,20%
Yamaha AN1x340,98%
Yamaha CS-15120,34%
Yamaha CS-20M40,11%
Yamaha CS-5050,14%
Yamaha CS-60100,29%
Yamaha CS-70m10,03%
Yamaha CS-80451,29%
Yamaha CS1x90,26%
Yamaha CS30150,43%
Yamaha DX110,03%
Yamaha DX2740,11%
Yamaha DX7792,27%
Yamaha EX5120,34%
Yamaha MO 810,03%
Yamaha Montage190,55%
Yamaha Motif250,72%
Yamaha PSR460010,03%
Yamaha SY2250,14%
Yamaha SY77320,92%
Yamaha SY99200,57%
Yamaha TX80270,20%
Yamaha TX81Z180,52%
Yamaha VL180,23%
Yamaha YS10030,09%
Yamaha YS20020,06%