The Paia 2720 semi-modular synthesizer was introduced in 1973 by Paia Electronics (US). You could argue about this synth as a DIY project or a readily built synthesizer. The modules however were available as kits as well as ready made products.

Modules available at that time were:

  • Voltage controlled amplifier (VCA)
  • Voltage controlled oscillator (VCO)
  • Voltage controlled filers (VCF)
  • Function generator (AD/R type)
  • Control oscillator & Noise (LFO/Noise)
  • Power supply
  • Controller with case
  • Keyboard with case
  • Envelope follower/trigger
  • Inverter/Buffer
  • Sine converter/PWM

The 2720 got some extensions and improvements over the years. We will cover these in a future post.

Paia still exists as a company and they still sell other Synthesizer systems, such as the Fatman and the 9700 series.

Existing users

The Paia 2720 is still in use by electronic musicians. If you are a happy owner and/or user we kindly invite you to send us a comment, with your thoughts or experiences, and pictures preferrably. You can leave a comment below or contact us through the contact page.

Jonathan Hong Cheng

Picture (c) Jonathan Hong Cheng


  1. I am 60 years old. At 15 I built my first Paia 2720 modules (vco, vcf lowpass and band pass, ar envelope, lfo noise) without a keyboard. This first contact with electronic sounds was a fascinating experience.
    Later I moved on to 4700 modules, built my Moog filter, started designing my own modules, and bought my Paia keyboard which I still have and continue to use.
    Today I am still a DIY synthesizer and I continue to amaze myself mixing the new with my old modules.
    Definitely the Paia 2720 was my gateway to the world of synthesizers.
    Pablo Renato Taphanel

  2. Hello Pablo, thanks for your comment. Maybe you could send us some more details about your projects, maybe some pictures? I am happy to mention you as a user on this page. Look forward to hear from you.

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