In 1973, Radio Electronics (magazine) published a series of articles for building your own modular synthesizer, created by John Simonton. This DIY project resulted in the Paia 2700 synthesizer, which later became available as kits from Paia to build a 2720. The only difference between the 2700 and 2720 is that the latter got a real keyboard and the original synth used ‘button-shirt’ knobs to play.

Below we have reconstructed the original articles from the 1973 Radio Electronics Magazines, as images and as a complete downloadable pdf. In addition we have some pictures of the ready synth and a video demonstrating the 2720 sounds.

The original Radio Electronics articles

Complete set of articles as downloadable pdf

Some pictures of the 2700 and 2720

The real difference between the 2700 and 2720 is that the latter was available as a kit from Paia and offered a regular keyboard, compared to the 2700 which used a button-shirt control manual.