Reinhard Roelandts, which we also know as an Elektor Formant user (see these pages) has been making music for a while and also collaborated with Reinhardard Vanbergen as Reinhard & Reinhard. Reinhard (R that is) informed me that this album is still available. Maybe this teaser helps a bit? (well … it is the full album actually).
Both Reinhardts went to kindergarten together, and then lost track of each other. Through socialmedia Reinhard Vanbergen discovered Reinhard Roelandt’s music when he posted diary recordings of his self-built modular synth, recorded on fluttering tapes and little vintage speakers. The idea of building tracks on top of the modular otherworldly soundscape with acoustic instruments seemed inspiring and like a perfect fit. And so, it happened. After listening to the first couple of songs on the album, you’ll be delighted that there’s more coming. The soundscapes of Roelandt’s modular synth gives this album a strange alien trip to space. While the acoustic instruments, we know from Vanbergen, will guide you back to a sense of home. This is an album playing in a kindergarten playground amongst genres such as jazz, soundtrack and classical. Get lost and found in this one-of-a-kind experience.
Have a look at the Reinhard’s bandcamppage.