Röyksopp – Profound mysteries

Recently the (long awaited) new Röyksopp album Profound Mysteries has become available on CD and on cassette (!), and via streaming services such as spotify. This album features tracks created with Allison Goldfrapp, Beki Mari, Pixx and Susanne Sundfor.

On the Röyksopp website, you can watch and look a great video with intriguing, morphing pictures.

The brains behing Röyksopp – Torbjørn Brundtland and Svein Berge– comment “As human beings, what we don’t know vastly overshadows what we do know. As teenagers, we would discuss our own fascination and preoccupation with the infinite and the impossible – the most profound mysteries of life. Profound Mysteries is an expanded creative universe and a prodigious conceptual project.

And their comment on the (above) video: “Thank you so much to everyone who joined us in the YouTube chat for the Profound Mysteries Continuous Visual Experience! It was a new experience for us and so good to share it with our fans. If you missed it when it broadcast the Continuous Visual Experience can be watched back above.”


01. (Nothing But) Ashes…
02. The Ladder
03. Impossible 
04. This Time, This Place…
05. How The Flowers Grow
06. If You Want Me
07. There, Beyond The Trees
08. Breathe
09. The Mourning Sun
10. Press «R»