In 1976/1977 a DIY synth project series was published in the Italian electronics magazine Selezione Radio. Of course, other magazines had their projects too in the same years, but this synth is little known.
We are looking for people that built or own(ed) this synth: do you have images and sounds, some experiences or user stories, please share them with us.
We got our hands on an original (high quality) document covering all the articles from designer Federico Cancarini. This changed our plans of publishing all separate articles, scanning the texts and translating them. Now we were able to OCR the complete document giving the original Italian text and translate it to English, giving you a complete design and build instruction document – hopefully. Below you’lll find the complete original document by Federico Cancarini as a pdf, followed by the OCR’d and translated English text and the original OCR’d Italian text. Therefore this series of articles is completed in one go!
Thanks to the Synthoteque facebook group for providing the hi-res pdf, with which we can work on further.