Although not really new (released in 2021) we thought it might be of interest that a new recording by Synergy has seen the light.

Flight2021 / myndstream. Review by Kathy Parsons (c) 2021

Larry Fast’s “Insects” is track 5 in the myndstream Fall Flight collection of six pieces by six different artists. A pioneer in the electronic music field since the 1970s, Fast recorded a series of albums as Synergy and contributed to countless albums and tours by other artists as well as composing electronic music for films and television in the US and Europe and producing studio recordings for artists in a wide range of genres. “Insects” is electronic musical magic with a hard-driving rhythm and a variety of layered sounds that are dark, powerful and intense. The opening comes as a bit of a shock after the two serene acoustic guitar pieces that precede it on the Flight, but a little jolt once in awhile is a good thing, and this piece is amazing! 

“Insects” and the other five tracks from the myndstream Fall Flight are available from, Amazon, Apple/iTunes and streaming sites like Spotify. November 18, 2021

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