SynTesla VII – by Pierre-Jean Tardiveau

The SynTeslas, no Elon Musk doesn’t build synths yet, The Synteslas are a range of stunning custom synthesizers made from well-known commercial products.

The first SynTesla DIY Synthesizer was a steampunk design based on the Waldorf Streichfett by Pierre-Jean Tardiveau. Now Pierre-Jean has built the SynTesla VII – a custom made polyphonic synthesizer for the Polish band BWPP. It is based on the “Logue” serie ARM architecture by Korg.

In terms of features, the core could be a Korg minilogue xd or the Prologue 8 or 16 as it as a full-sized keybed and a joystick on the left. You get two analog VCOs, a multi-engine powered DCO, an oscillator mixer, LFO, envelopes, effects. and more.

What makes the synth so special and stand out from the classic commercial logues is its look. It’s red with black elements and big Moog-style knobs and switches. It’s very steampunky again, where modern meets vintage.

More info about the projecs of Pierre-Jean Tardivau here and here.