Tim Orr – String Thing (Transcendent DPX)
Apart from his work at EMS, Tim Orr is best known for his Powertran synthesizer kits (as published in Electronics Today International magazine) such as the Transcendent 2000. In the Electronics Today …
Apart from his work at EMS, Tim Orr is best known for his Powertran synthesizer kits (as published in Electronics Today International magazine) such as the Transcendent 2000. In the Electronics Today …
Note: below the text and pictures you’ll find the original DIY article. Powertran’s top of the range kit instrument offers a relatively inexpensive way for the home musician to make …
The Powertran Transcendent 2000 was an English synthesizer designed by Tim Orr. The design and building instructions were published as a DIY project in ETI magazine. Note: below the images …