Volker Rapp – In Sachen Elektronischer Musik.I

German synth artist Volker Rapp produced a series of 4 pod/videocasts featuring the development of Electronic Music in the past 100 years. In these 4 video’s of approximately 25-40 minutes each, he covers development of Electronic music, synth pioneers, recording issues and a lot more. As Volker says: “100 Jahre Elektronische Musik – 4 Teilen auf Deutsch, Spontan, improvisiert, mit ein wenig Skript …”

The first video covers 1920-1985, the second 1977-1990, the next 1984-1994 and the last from 1995-2020. Volker travels through German landscapes and visits Erkrath, Köln and other places. Being there he shows us some important places in the development of Electronic Music, such as Der Vertikalen Parkplatz which was an Arts centre. The video’s are very informative -yet only in German language – but Volker promised to work on translations. You could of course select the automatic translation in the Youtube settings….

Please note that this post only has promotion purposes, all (c) are with Volker Rapp.