Waveman’s Underground (Radio sunrise)

John Valk Wavemen, also known as an Electronic Artist in several collaborating projects, hosts a radioshow/podcast on Electronic Music: Waveman’s Underground.

Friday August 26th his show will feature music from Adrian Beasley, Christian Wittman, Andy Pickford, Schnitzler, …. and a lot more. Find his show here or here.

  1. Brand new albums from 2 blokes living in London(UK) Colin Rayment and Robert A.Logan
  2. Also from the UK Andy Pickford and Perge
  3. 3rd(latest part) Tone – A Tribute to Tony Sawford
  4. Modular stuff from Silver Galaxy(Anna Maria van Reusel) and Lightwave member Christian Wittman
  5. Privat music from Fenchel, yes…..Conrad Schnitzler and TD articles written by him in “Sonic Report” many years ago

23 tracks in total, you are welcome in the chat