Zenith Electronic Music Magazine

Zenith was an UK based magazine covering the Electronic Music scene. With interviews, feature stories, CD and cassette reviews, reports from Electronic Music events. The magazine was conceived and produced by (the late) Ian Floyd, Graham Getty and Steve Roberts. They managed to produce a magazine with over 80 pages of news and it was about to become a leading magazine in the UK en European market (and abroad).Unfortunately, the magazine only reached 3 issues in the first half of the 1990’s. Graham Getty kindly permitted us to publish some of the articles. At the bottom of this page you can find the editorial text of Issue #2

The following text has been taken from the editorial part in Zenith issue #2: Welcome to ZENITH 2. In the space of one issue we have implemented a number of expensive improvements. The samplercassette given with the first issue was such a critical success that wehave extended the format to a full C-90 high quality chrome cassette.The page count is up to 80 pages with a full colour cover. Hence theprice increase which has been held down to barely cover our costs.The strategy is to produce a first class magazine and establish a loyalreadership upon which we can build for the future.Reaction to the first issue has been very encouraging. It is particularlysignificant that ZENITH #1 sold strongly in the East Midlands and itis no coincidence that Ashley Franklin’s programme has given ussome exposure on BBC Radio Derby. If this response could bemultiplied throughout the UK we would have a hugely successfulmagazine! EM needs more exposure, but above all needs the impetusto get out of the ghetto it has become entrenched in.Please mention ZENITH when responding to any advertisements orordering any material reviewed within. Despite the increase in pageswe have still had to withhold material owing to lack of space!Thankyou for your support and be sure to let us know what you thinkof this publication….The ZENITH Team.

Ant Thrasher, John Dyson and Paul Ward (thanks for the support – in more ways than one!), Ashley Franklin, Dave Shoesmith and all atG&D, Dave Law, Robert Fox, Dave Roberts, Harry Glasgow, CartJenkinson, Andy Garibaldi, Mick Garlick, Yan nick Lallement(MUSEA),David Wright, Klaus D. Mueller, Bernd Kistenmacher, RudolfHeimann, Claus Bockstandt, Changing Images, Ian Boddy, JimKirkwood, Radio Tangerine Wave, Neil King (FATEA), Dave Rees.Nick Franks, Humphrey Robertson, Mark Jenkins, Stuart J. Harris,Lee Baker, Paul Tang, Paul Flackett, Bryan David, Bob Hirst.Gary Andrews, Jim Facey and Richard Perry (excellent photos guys!)All the featured artists without whom …… And lastly (but not leastly!) our wives for putting up with us for the past few months!

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